About Us

Hi, my name is Jen Walker and I’m the chief editor and skin care expert at WhiteningCreamReviews.com. I personally have many years experience working in the skin care industry and work with a team of writers who all share similar experience, expertise and qualifications.

Our site is 100% indepedent. Is is not beholden, sponsored or controlled by any skincare company or manufacturer. We provide unbiased independent information and reviews of products in the skin care and beauty industry. What we say is our opinion and nobody elses.

Our review team do extensive personal research into any subject or product that we cover, so the resulting articles or reviews are detailed and as accurate as we can possibly make them. We make significant efforts to be as objective and honest where products and services are concerned and do try to present both sides where differences of opinion exist.

Where recommendations or suggestions are made, these should always be treated as personal opinions. Although these are expert opinions, you should always seek further advice from your own skincare consultant or doctor as we are all different and personal situations and/or contraindications and responses to products can vary significantly.

We hope you enjoy your visit to Whitening Cream Reviews and if you have any queries about our site or anything we have said, then please do contact us, we do love to hear from you 🙂

Best regards,
